Tuesday, November 21, 2023

While we're at it... Part 3


Does anyone here think that the chickens throwing in their all with Colonel Sanders would be a really good idea? No? I didn’t think so, and that’s the point of this screed.

The political left in this country and a lot of the Western world has been on a jihad of sorts against the very ideas that gave rise to and sustained Western civilization. If it was white, male, straight/cis, and had any religious undertones, it was to be considered evil. It was all part of the patriarchy, run by misogynist, racist, xenophobic, transphobic colonizers. It was to be opposed mightily by anyone who wanted to bring about a brave new world order. There were no rules to be adhered to in this resistance. “By any means necessary” became a justifiable phrase because these people were fighting an evil that deserved no quarter or mercy. If you think what I’m putting down here is nothing more than hyperbole, I recommend reading the following articles:



Liberal Jews were no exception when it came to thinking like this. Back in the day, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) were the standard bearers when it came organizations that kept track of acts of hate, hate speech and the individuals and/or organizations behind them. In recent years though, they’ve undergone a metamorphosis to become political creatures captured by the left. I’ve often wondered for many years how specific groups could throw in their lot with certain movements or organizations even though those same entities would jettison them by the side of the road when it became politically convenient to do so (in this case Israel vs Hamas). The Time article linked below gets into the details of the movement against Israel and the link to anyone who is Jewish. The connection here is that all this oppression has been perpetrated by the white man. Of course, who is also white? The Jews, that’s who. Which is why they make a perfect scapegoat for Israel’s policies, not the Israeli government itself.



Elon Musk and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu shared the stage September 18th at a livestreamed conference where antisemitism and judicial reform were among the subjects discussed. Regarding antisemitism, there was concern that instances of it were growing on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, at an alarming rate. Musk vowed to root it out in whatever form it took. I would argue that also meant there would be no sacred cows or protected groups when it came to calling a spade a spade. The fact that another poster on X called out Jews for being complicit in their own downfall, and Musk agreeing must have come as a shock to many, but it shouldn’t have. Musk has been extremely critical of liberal billionaire megadonor George Soros for some time. His assessment of Soros’ efforts has been spot-on. Why would anyone want to support the very things that would lead to the dismantling of Western civilization?  Think funding Liberal soft-on-crime local District Attorneys in several of our major cities for starters (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, St Louis, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston). And for his troubles what did he get? He was labeled an antisemite by groups like the ADL and liberal watchdog Media Matters, which is about to find itself in some serious legal hot water.

What has been deemed as hate speech on both sides of the political aisle, besides being an ice cold dagger of truth, is a lot closer to political speech than most are willing to admit. Remember, Musk considers himself a free speech absolutist. As such, no subject is off limits, regardless of what others may think. If we truly believe in the Constitution, especially the First Amendment protections it offers, then unless what Musk, and the original poster were saying violated one of those limits placed on speech (i.e., yelling fire in a crowded theater, inciting violence, or other acts of criminality), then we make a mockery of the very freedoms we claim to cherish.

I happen to be a member of two protected groups. I’m a veteran, as well as being African American. One was a choice; the other was an immutable characteristic assigned at birth. My veteran status meant that I raised my right hand and swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign, or domestic. It also meant that I was willing to defend to the death someone else’s right to call into question or denigrate that immutable characteristic, regardless of how I felt about the individual(s) involved or the language being used.

The Democrat party boasted of a big tent where all were welcome. It didn’t matter if disparate groups may have had competing interests. All that mattered was the fact that these folks were going to be foot soldiers who would help the party obtain and maintain political power, which would in turn help it obtain economic power via coercive tactics. That economic power would in turn help the party gain even more political power, and the cycle would continue ad nauseum.  To these folks, the truth, facts, and reality are overrated. The demonstrations outside the White House, House Office complex, and DNC Headquarters were incredibly boisterous but mostly peaceful (read violent) according to the legacy media. This is proof, yet again, that the radical left has had an outsized influence within the party and party leadership has been either slow to recognize it and stop the drift or has welcomed the party’s newfound vitality. Either way, it’s not a good look.


The 9th Commandment states, “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” sorry people, but it’s not a suggestion. While we’re on the subject, didn’t the guy who brought that and the other Commandments on those tablets down from the mountain happen to be Jewish? Just sayin’.

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