Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Aftermath, Part 1

 AOC and Jennifer Rubin may be in separate parties, but both think that Trump supporters and administration officials need to be punished just for being who they are. These individuals are not on the fringes of political thinking, regardless of what some may think.


Ms. Rubin and others, including Nicole Wallace of MSNBC, Anna Navarro, formerly of CNN and now at The View on ABC, and the brain trust at the Lincoln Project, are all Bush acolytes, and by default represent the Republican establishment. This is the same establishment that held the House and Senate during the first two years of the Trump presidency. The committees their party chaired (Intel in the Senate, Intel and Judiciary/Oversight in the House) held meetings designed to get to the bottom of the Steele Dossier, Russian Interference and possible collusion with the Trump campaign in the 2016 election. The individuals who were interviewed by, or testified before these committees, indicated beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was “no there there”.  Yet we saw no efforts to dismantle the narrative about said collusion or to bring a halt to the Mueller witch hunt. These are the same folks who, mind you, sent our military members off to fight and be killed or maimed in endless foreign wars, shipped our good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas, and helped to decimate the American middle class.


With Trump possibly on his way out, they now want back in and are willing to do away with whatever remnants there may be of any “Orange Man Bad” influences in the DC establishment, at the earliest available opportunity. They’re hoping that they can get back to business as usual and that this whole episode will be nothing more than a historical aberration. Apparently, they are unwilling to take a cue as to what the American people had to say about the direction that this country was headed in pre-COVID/George Floyd. They saw the virus and unrest as a way to repudiate the president and his followers. It was nothing more than an opportunity for them to weasel their way back into power. Problem is, they may have done more harm to Republican party unity because of their hatred of this president. They were the ones who handed Joe Biden an electoral victory, not the legacy media, not the tech oligarchs or their obviously biased social media platforms, not jaundiced celebrities, or even the president’s off-the-wall tweets.


AOC and the Squad are the vanguard of a political group known as the Justice Democrats. They call themselves a party within a party. They are the ultra-progressive left given form. Up until the racial unrest in this country, their candidates running in Democrat primaries had been getting soundly trounced by more moderate opponents. In the aftermath of the protests, these candidates started to meet with overwhelming success in their respective primary contests. The woke left was making even greater inroads into the Democrat party. Conversely, the supposed moderates, who were elected in a blue wave in 2018, saw their numbers decline in this election at the hands of Republican challengers, leaving the more radical elements of the party relatively intact. They now hold an unusual amount of sway within the party. An incredible feat for a group of backbenchers. One doesn’t have to wonder for very long how this was all possible. The under 40 voter demographic in this country is at the leading edge of a political revolution that had our public schools, colleges, and universities as its incubators. A revolution, that if ever given an opportunity to gain a head of steam, would irrevocably change the very fabric of this country at a political, economic, and societal level.


So, the idea that these folks are on the fringes of mainstream political thought, is wishful thinking, at best, or willful ignorance/denial, at worst.

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