Thursday, October 17, 2019

Impeach Trump, please!!

Apparently, there have been several recent national polls taken that indicate critical mass may have been reached for the impeachment and removal of the President of the United States. This, in and of itself, is no small task and is not something to be taken lightly. If this is the case, then a vote before the full House should be a no-brainer to officially kick off an impeachment inquiry.

What we’ve been witness to instead, has been a series of investigations by various committees (Judiciary, Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs) being conducted with the express purpose of stitching together enough “evidence”, I would assume, to bring about a vote for Articles of Impeachment. The majority in these committees gets to decide the rules of the game, so to speak, which includes who they want to call as witnesses before the committees, evidence to be admitted, conduct of the committee meetings, etc. The minority on the other hand, has little to no say in what happens and is along for the ride. Were there to be a vote to actually begin an inquiry, the minority would have the same abilities and authorities that the majority currently enjoys. Problem is, that vote would put a lot of Democrat legislators on record as having voted for impeachment (even though it was only to begin an inquiry). These same legislators ran on getting business done in DC and won their seats in districts that the President carried in 2016, and that has a lot of them very fearful about their chances for re-election.

Speaker Pelosi has been handed a conundrum of sorts, courtesy of the more radical elements in her party. Either press on with an attempt to impeach the President, satisfying the radicals, or play it safe and not go down that road, in the hopes of preserving her majority in the House. Her compromise (and not a very good one, at that) has been to commission the aforementioned committees. The ability of the majority to control the messaging coming out of these bodies, courtesy of well-placed leaks and an all too compliant media, have helped steer the narrative and public opinion in a direction more favorable to the Democrats.

For the President to get a fair shake, given all that has occurred, his only recourse may be for this mess to wind up in front of the Senate in a trial. At least there he’ll have the benefit of due process, a measure of reliable judicial processes and other rights accorded to the accused in a criminal proceeding (although this process is more political in nature). Since these proceedings will be no doubt be made public, it’s here the hoax that has been foisted on the American people will finally be laid bare. They will finally see the veil of secrecy that has masked these House investigations pulled back, exposing corrupt intent, a complete lack of candor and transparency, and an unwillingness to follow the rule of law.

Americans are a fair-minded people. They understand that politics at times can be a rough and tumble game played by some unsavory characters. What they cannot and will not accept though, are repeated attempts by one side at railroading an individual for no reason other than the fact that their candidate didn’t win the last election and that they don’t like the bedside manner of the individual who did win. This sort of behavior is sure to invoke the ire of an electorate that feels it has been lied to and used as a political prop on multiple occasions. Speaker Pelosi would do well to remember this, but I already think she does.

If I were to take the long view and offer up a plausible hypothesis as to all that has transpired and what is yet to come, it would go something like this: Mrs. Pelosi realizes that the only way to placate the bloodthirsty hordes is to try and offer the President’s head on a silver platter via the impeachment process. Knowing full well that “there’s no there there”, blowback is sure to follow if there is a trial in the Senate.  A trial that would lead to the eventual acquittal of the President and potentially cost her party its Majority in the House. Even if she managed to hold onto her majority, the aftermath would afford her and Democrat leadership the opportunity to re-exert influence over the party, since the more extreme elements would no longer have a leg to stand on. Once the dust has settled, I see two clear winners coming out of this, Speaker Pelosi and the President.

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