Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Rush did it again!!!

As most listeners know, the man says some incredibly over the top things that are bound to piss off even the most saintly of individuals. The young woman who testified before Congress last week about contraception, and why a woman has a right to it, really stepped in it as far as I’m concerned, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

Now what did Rush call her? A slut, I believe. Well, the definition he tried to attach to a woman who has sex for money is not a slut. A better description would be a prostitute. A slut, per the definition given by dictionary.com is an immoral or dissolute woman. A prostitute would be a good example of one, but not all sluts engage in sexual activity for money. Rush used the wrong word, too bad for him.

Okay, why did that young woman step in it when she testified about why contraception was a necessity and a right for women? Well, if a woman’s body and reproductive system are protected by what can only be called God given rights, then it stands to reason that along with those rights come responsibilities. If a woman chooses to engage in sexual activity, she does so knowing that there are consequences for each and every action she undertakes. For her to decide that she can sidestep any sort of accountability for those decisions, tells me that not only is she acting in a selfish and immature manner, but she has decided that the burden of any ramifications of her actions should be shared by society as a whole.

I can understand that certain women may benefit from using contraception in terms of it being more of a medical necessity than a “nice to have”. But that sort of thing is normally worked out between a woman and her doctor, and the doctor usually prescribes a given treatment. That physician directed treatment is covered by insurance, so there should be no need to force employers or insurers to give blanket coverage for contraception to all women.

Up until now, abortion had been the hot button issue concerning a woman’s reproductive system/rights. Thanks to a well placed campaign time bomb and a conservative pundit whose mouth, at times, resembles a runaway semi with no brakes, it has been supplanted by contraception.

I don’t mean to pick on the fairer sex as far as this issue goes, but this is another indicator of how “entitlement creep” is affecting society and our way of life. Think about it. Why is it that somehow, someone somewhere, decides that something that has been readily available but not in the hands of all, should now be given to everyone by government edict or mandate? You have a right to a job, housing, food, clothing, clean water, healthcare, a college education, reliable transportation, a telecommunications device, and a television, right?

Wrong. You have a right to go out and try and obtain those things (legally), without anyone erecting any sort of artificial barriers to prevent you from doing so. Beyond that, it’s all on you.

So, what’s the solution? Well for starters, we throw this issue back at the people who chose to bring it up in the first place, and ask them why anyone would want to abrogate responsibility for their own well being, knowing that whatever control they enjoy over making such decisions would disappear (either gradually, or all at once) before they were any the wiser.

And folks, once it’s gone, it’s gone.

1 comment:

  1. Not too long after I wrote this, I was politely chastened on my assumption that a woman who needed to get birth control as a matter of medical necessity, should have been able to do so through her physician. Apparently some insurance companies aren’t too keen on relying on what your doctor says in terms of what’s in your best interests medically.

    For me, that would have been a no-brainer as to one of the fixes the new health care law should have addressed rather than force every employer to provide it as part of their employees’ benefits. But, that’s how wish lists go. Someone somewhere decided that rather than address specific issues, they would push through their ideas on how they thought things should be. Once again reality wound up taking a backseat to flights of fancy and we will continue to pay for it.
