Up until August of 2021, the COVID vaccines were an opt-in proposition for military members. That all changed according to this excerpt from a Congressional Research Service paper dated 8 November 2021. Specifically:
On August 9, 2021, the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)
issued a Message to the
Force indicating his intent to require COVID-19 vaccination for servicemembers
“no later than mid-
September, or immediately upon the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensure
[of a COVID-
19 vaccine], whichever comes first.”
There is a question as to whether this was in response to a letter sent to President Biden in March of 2021 by seven Democrat House members, urging him to waive Informed Consent for servicemembers and mandate the vaccines. This specific waiver process is no small thing, as evidenced by an Executive order signed on 30 September 1999 by then President Bill Clinton, which laid out the ground rules for any waiver of Informed Consent. One of the requirements was whether troops would be engaged in operations where a risk existed of the enemy using chemical, biological, or radiological weapons. No such risk existed, but the argument could be made that we were in the middle of a global pandemic and the readiness of our military forces was in question.
So, what sort of risks would military personnel face if they were to come down with COVID-19? Well, as of the beginning of this month, according to the DOD website tracking COVID stats, there were 388,151 confirmed cases, 2543 hospitalizations, with 359,343 personnel recovered, and 93 fatalities. That would put the survival rate at 99.976 percent. Now compare that with the tallies for DOD civilians. There were 119,302 cases with 2340 hospitalizations, 100,535 recovered, and 412 fatalities. This is from a workforce that had one third the number of cases as their military counterparts but had over four times the number of fatalities (but still a respectable 99.65 percent survival rate). None of this should come as any surprise though. As of September 2017, the average age of the federal civilian workforce was 47.5 years old according to the OPM website, with the average retiree heading for the door at 61.8 years of age (based on FY2019 data). The average age of enlisted personnel is 27 years old and for the officer corps it’s 34. A look at the broader population indicates a similar survival rate (99.962 percent average) for those in the 20 to 44 year-old demographic, which covers the ages of most active duty servicemembers.
Given the data from the preceding paragraph, what was the necessity to mandate vaccines for both military and civilian workforces if these were the survival rates for anyone infected with COVID? It certainly couldn’t have been “the science”. We knew as far back as 2020 who this virus affected the most and the least. The last link in the previous paragraph is from an article posted in November of 2020. Additionally, there was to be no consideration given to natural immunity for those servicemembers who may have already contracted and recovered from COVID. Why? Because most likely, the military was using information gleaned from the CDC on a very limited study conducted by the Kentucky Department of Health. In my previous Aftermath post (part 10) I mentioned that there were disparate views within our healthcare establishment about natural immunity. Along with not retaining or reporting data on natural immunity, the CDC was doing the same with breakthrough infections. It was almost as if they were fearful that the data they refused to collect would take them in a completely different direction from the conclusions they had already drawn and the narratives they were pushing.
The Secretary of Defense memorandum mandating servicemembers get vaccinated against COVID allowed for administrative exemptions for religious accommodation, but to date, only a handful of exemptions have been authorized across all branches. In one case, a group of Navy SEALs had to take the Navy to court in order to force it to reconsider its actions. Why add an exemption like this if no one is willing to honor it, unless of course, it was there for show and nothing else?
Let’s recap what we’ve learned so far.
1. The congressional letter requesting that the administration waive Informed Consent would have forced the military to jump through an inordinate number of hoops to get service members vaccinated. The approval of the Pfizer vaccine eliminated that problem.
2. The survival rate for military members who contracted COVID was above 99.9 percent. For DOD civilians, it was above 99.6 percent. This disease was highly survivable without a vaccine.
3. No allowance was made for natural immunity, which has now been proven to be a much better defense against future infection. Belatedly, the CDC has had to admit as much.
4. The idea that religious exemptions would be honored was nothing more than window dressing based on the number of approvals across the entire force.
Now let’s discuss the vaccines themselves. These drugs have been proven to lose their efficacy after six to seven months, and do not keep anyone from contracting the virus or passing it on to others. So why were we told that these things were a silver bullet? All we had to do was to give everyone the shot and things could get back to normal. But along came the Omicron variant and set off another panic. The medical establishment moved the goalposts once again. Now we were supposed to get a third shot, a “booster” as it has been called, to continue our protected status. Problem is that the current crop of vaccines was basically worthless against this new variant. It was highly virulent, but not as dangerous as previous iterations. According to South African health authorities, Omicron was no worse than any other upper respiratory infection. But you’d never know that based on the way our medical establishment and media were spinning it. How many more restrictions would we have had to endure had the “science” not changed in regard to this virus? Well, it wasn’t the science that changed. It was more a case of the political winds changing direction that got these nice people to change their minds.
To give you an idea of how ridiculous the restrictions and demands placed on all of us have been, I submit the following as anecdotal evidence: Jesse Sharkey, the outgoing President of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), recently announced that he had come down with COVID. This despite having been vaxxed, boosted, and a wearer of N95 masks. The only masks, oh by the way, that truly protect you against this virus. If Mr. Sharkey did everything correctly and still caught this bug, then what possible purpose does mandating these shots serve for what is arguably one of the healthiest demographics in our population? Navy Commander Jay Furman makes an excellent argument as to why this mandate is a bad idea for our service members and military readiness. I highly recommend clicking on the link above to read his thoughts on the matter.
Behind closed doors, those who have been pushing these vaccines take a different view of things than what we the public have been exposed to. The following links are a window into what they truly think:
Dr. Francis Collins the former head of the National Institutes of health (NIH).
Project Veritas video, Pfizer employee.
Project Veritas video, Johnson & Johnson employees.
Project Veritas, Pfizer whistleblower interview.
If the above wasn’t enough, Dr. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, was on a Sunday talk show recently, where he stated that he could see the necessity for not only a fourth shot, but the requirement that his company develop annual COVID boosters. When a disease goes from being a pandemic to being endemic (which this one has done), it means that it has become a part of everyday life. There is no longer a need to bend ourselves into pretzel shapes to deal with it. These grifters have pulled off one heckuva global con, with humanity being the ones who were rooked, tooked, and just flat-out played. This nation, especially our military and first responders, should not continue to be victimized by these charlatans.
In light of events that took place at a recent US Navy Administrative Separation (ADSEP) board, it has become apparent that the military (and by extension, the federal government) has been playing fast and loose with the term "approved vaccine". If that truly is the case, then the current administration is in violation of the Waiver of Informed Consent EO signed by President Clinton. See link below:
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