Given the nature of the Republican Party (with a few notable exceptions), almost anyone else would have acquiesced to the demands to concede the race in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, despite mounting evidence that were irregularities and potential fraud that may have been perpetrated on the American people. Donald Trump isn’t just anyone. Like him, love him, loathe him, or just flat out don’t give a rat’s butt about him, he is doing this republic and its democratic processes a big favor by not going quietly into that good night. Win, lose, or draw, there needs to be an accounting for what happened in these battleground states in the run-up to the election, election day itself, and the aftermath we are currently living through.
As the number of witnesses and whistleblowers who have signed affidavits attesting to what they saw or were directed to do continues to grow, it becomes very difficult to dismiss these individuals as liars, shills, or Republican operatives with sinister motives. If the Democrats and others truly believe that Mr. Biden is the clear winner in these contests, then it shouldn’t be that much of an inconvenience to let the process play itself out. The American people deserve nothing less.
Right now, I’d like to take a break and play a little guessing game. I’m thinking of a prime number from one to forty. See if you can guess what it is. For those who have forgotten what a prime number is, it’s a number whose result can only be achieved by multiplying itself and one. Examples of this are 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, etc. This will factor into the discussion later.
Anyhow, back to where I left off. If one looks at the transition team and picks for Mr. Biden’s cabinet, one thing stands out plain as day. Jake and Elwood are trying to get the band back together again. We are seeing the same old faces being recycled through the swamp in different positions and capacities. To paraphrase the Who “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. If this truly is the case, how well will that sit with the more radical elements of the Democrat Party? Will they be accepting of this, or will they try and exert a greater role in crafting national policy either through the legislative process or via executive branch agencies (i.e. political appointments as payback)?
In part one of this series of posts, I alluded to what the Republicans had failed to do during and after the Mueller Probe, but there’s actually a personal side to all of this. Allow me to elaborate. Back in September of 2018 (September 11th, ironically), my congressman was a guest speaker at a meeting of our local neighborhood association. Among the things he discussed was impeaching the president. I already knew that he sat on the Permanent Select Committee for Intelligence in the House, but unbeknownst to all in attendance at the time, his committee had already held hearings where individuals testified to there being no collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians. There are three individuals whose testimonies stand out for a couple of reasons: their centrality to the narrative being pushed by the Democrats and the media and the presence of my congressman during two of these sessions. Once Rick Grenell, the Acting DNI at the time, declassified these transcripts, I decided to download them from the committee’s minority webpage.
General James Clapper. General Clapper had been the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) during the Obama Administration. He was, in effect, the nation’s spymaster. During his testimony, he stated that there had been no collusion the intelligence agencies could ascertain that had taken place between the Trump Campaign and the Russians. The only crumbs that he could offer up to his questioners was the assumption that the Russians had preferred Mr. Trump over Mrs. Clinton in the 2016 election. We all know what they say about assumptions. To assume makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me”. But yet we had an individual in charge of the entire hodgepodge of our alphabet soup agencies, a retired general, no less, doing just that! My congressman wasn’t present for this session, but two names most of us would recognize were there. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell.
Rob Goldstone. Mr. Goldstone was a British music promoter with ties to a wealthy family considered Russia’s answer to the Trumps. He was also the architect of the Trump Tower meeting that ruffled the feathers of so many on Capitol Hill and the legacy media. During his testimony, Mr. Goldstone admitted that he had embellished the importance of setting up this meeting with Don Jr, Jared Kushner, and other principals in the campaign. In fact, with one exception, he knew nothing about who the participants on the Russian side were going to be. He had done this as a favor for one of his clients. To make a long story a bit shorter, the meeting turned into a discussion about the adoption of Russian children, which was an indirect overture at doing away with the Magnitsky Act. The act placed sanctions on various Russian individuals and organizations, in the wake of the mysterious death of a Russian lawyer named Sergei Magnitsky. The whole episode had been a case of bait and switch, which was most likely why the Mueller team never went after anyone involved in this meeting.
Shawn Henry. Mr. Henry is the President of CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm. Some of you may have seen their commercials on television. This company was hired by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to provide a variety of services, including detecting intruders on their servers and a forensic audit of those same servers in the wake of claims that the servers had been hacked by Russian affiliated organizations. We were told that the information stolen off of these systems eventually made its way into the hands of Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Mr. Assange claimed then, and still does to this very day, that the information was given to him by an individual with no ties to any governmental organization. In fact, the FBI had offered a deal of limited immunity to Mr. Assange if he were to divulge the source of the DNC information, as well as turning over the trove of documents he had yet to release in future document dumps. One individual put the kibosh on all of this. Then Director of the FBI, James Comey.
Anyway, back to Mr. Henry and CrowdStrike. Under oath, he had to admit that they suspected the intruders on the DNC systems may have been a Russian hacking group with ties to Russian military intelligence (GRU). Mr. Henry stated that his organization could not provide conclusive evidence that this group had stolen any of the DNC information that made its way to WikiLeaks. They could only surmise that the data may have been exfiltrated from the servers. No government agency, the FBI included, was ever given access to these systems to perform their own examinations. Again, it all comes down to assumptions, speculation, and conjecture, but this is what had been passed on to the masses as the gospel truth.
All of these hearings occurred between the spring of 2017 and July of 2018. This means that there was a two-month gap between the conclusion of these hearings and the time my congressman came to speak to our association. In the wake of all that has transpired, it has become patently obvious that he intentionally misled everyone in attendance at that September meeting. Is it any wonder why Congress only has an approval rating in the high single to low double digits?
And now, it’s time to reveal the answer to the question about the number I was thinking of. It was 37. That’s the number of days it took to call Florida in the 2000 election. Mind you, that was just one state and we have a handful of states where election irregularities continue to pop up, the closer we get to the dates that these states need to certify their results. As stated earlier, win, lose, or draw, the president and his allies are doing what is necessary to ensure that the integrity of our election processes remains intact. It has been said that eternal vigilance is the price of security. Given the times we live in, that statement never rang truer.
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