Tuesday, November 21, 2023

While we're at it... Part 3


Does anyone here think that the chickens throwing in their all with Colonel Sanders would be a really good idea? No? I didn’t think so, and that’s the point of this screed.

The political left in this country and a lot of the Western world has been on a jihad of sorts against the very ideas that gave rise to and sustained Western civilization. If it was white, male, straight/cis, and had any religious undertones, it was to be considered evil. It was all part of the patriarchy, run by misogynist, racist, xenophobic, transphobic colonizers. It was to be opposed mightily by anyone who wanted to bring about a brave new world order. There were no rules to be adhered to in this resistance. “By any means necessary” became a justifiable phrase because these people were fighting an evil that deserved no quarter or mercy. If you think what I’m putting down here is nothing more than hyperbole, I recommend reading the following articles:



Liberal Jews were no exception when it came to thinking like this. Back in the day, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) were the standard bearers when it came organizations that kept track of acts of hate, hate speech and the individuals and/or organizations behind them. In recent years though, they’ve undergone a metamorphosis to become political creatures captured by the left. I’ve often wondered for many years how specific groups could throw in their lot with certain movements or organizations even though those same entities would jettison them by the side of the road when it became politically convenient to do so (in this case Israel vs Hamas). The Time article linked below gets into the details of the movement against Israel and the link to anyone who is Jewish. The connection here is that all this oppression has been perpetrated by the white man. Of course, who is also white? The Jews, that’s who. Which is why they make a perfect scapegoat for Israel’s policies, not the Israeli government itself.



Elon Musk and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu shared the stage September 18th at a livestreamed conference where antisemitism and judicial reform were among the subjects discussed. Regarding antisemitism, there was concern that instances of it were growing on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, at an alarming rate. Musk vowed to root it out in whatever form it took. I would argue that also meant there would be no sacred cows or protected groups when it came to calling a spade a spade. The fact that another poster on X called out Jews for being complicit in their own downfall, and Musk agreeing must have come as a shock to many, but it shouldn’t have. Musk has been extremely critical of liberal billionaire megadonor George Soros for some time. His assessment of Soros’ efforts has been spot-on. Why would anyone want to support the very things that would lead to the dismantling of Western civilization?  Think funding Liberal soft-on-crime local District Attorneys in several of our major cities for starters (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, St Louis, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston). And for his troubles what did he get? He was labeled an antisemite by groups like the ADL and liberal watchdog Media Matters, which is about to find itself in some serious legal hot water.

What has been deemed as hate speech on both sides of the political aisle, besides being an ice cold dagger of truth, is a lot closer to political speech than most are willing to admit. Remember, Musk considers himself a free speech absolutist. As such, no subject is off limits, regardless of what others may think. If we truly believe in the Constitution, especially the First Amendment protections it offers, then unless what Musk, and the original poster were saying violated one of those limits placed on speech (i.e., yelling fire in a crowded theater, inciting violence, or other acts of criminality), then we make a mockery of the very freedoms we claim to cherish.

I happen to be a member of two protected groups. I’m a veteran, as well as being African American. One was a choice; the other was an immutable characteristic assigned at birth. My veteran status meant that I raised my right hand and swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign, or domestic. It also meant that I was willing to defend to the death someone else’s right to call into question or denigrate that immutable characteristic, regardless of how I felt about the individual(s) involved or the language being used.

The Democrat party boasted of a big tent where all were welcome. It didn’t matter if disparate groups may have had competing interests. All that mattered was the fact that these folks were going to be foot soldiers who would help the party obtain and maintain political power, which would in turn help it obtain economic power via coercive tactics. That economic power would in turn help the party gain even more political power, and the cycle would continue ad nauseum.  To these folks, the truth, facts, and reality are overrated. The demonstrations outside the White House, House Office complex, and DNC Headquarters were incredibly boisterous but mostly peaceful (read violent) according to the legacy media. This is proof, yet again, that the radical left has had an outsized influence within the party and party leadership has been either slow to recognize it and stop the drift or has welcomed the party’s newfound vitality. Either way, it’s not a good look.


The 9th Commandment states, “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” sorry people, but it’s not a suggestion. While we’re on the subject, didn’t the guy who brought that and the other Commandments on those tablets down from the mountain happen to be Jewish? Just sayin’.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

While we're at it... Part 2


Senator Tim Scott recently suspended his campaign as a candidate for the Republican nominee for President. Simply put, there is no way that he, or any of the other candidates, for that matter, are going to catch the front runner, former President Trump. This hasn’t been lost on the current administration or its sympathizers in Georgia or New York.

Does anyone truly think that one individual could have that many legitimate charges brought against him, and all of it being nothing more than mere coincidence? We’re talking novel legal theories that have never been tested out, as well as business practices and real estate valuation systems that have withstood the test of time being called into question.

Trump is a fighter, as if that needed any sort of mention. When faced with such daunting odds, most of us would have already thrown in the towel and moved on with our lives, especially since these sorts of things can be financially challenging, to say the least. The current civil fraud case in New York City has the potential to financially hamstring Trump since the judge presiding over the case is a political partisan who could apparently care less about due process or judicial conduct. In the minds of some on the left, stripping Trump of his assets (i.e., wealth) will deny him the means to withstand the legal onslaught he is currently dealing with. Let’s do a quick rewind to see how things got to where they stand present day:

We now know that the Hillary Clinton campaign cooked up a false narrative that members of the Trump team were colluding with the Russians to throw the 2016 election. It was intended as a distraction from her own problems arising from a home brew server that was set up in the basement of her house in Chappaqua, New York.  She was aided and abetted by leadership at the FBI and elements of the DOJ. This eventually morphed into a year and a half year long investigation headed up by former FBI Director Robert Mueller. In the end, there was no proof that either Trump or his associates had done anything wrong vis a vis the Russians. But the political left labored mightily to connect what happened to individuals like General Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone to Trump himself. House Republicans held hearings on this particular subject where three different committees (Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight) either interviewed or deposed witnesses who unequivocally stated that there had been “no there there”, contrary to what we were continually being fed by the left and their media shills. The transcripts of these meetings were made publicly available and confirmed this.

The first Impeachment proceeding occurred because of a phone call between Trump and the newly elected President of Ukraine where Trump was concerned about the country’s track record on corruption and the fact that Hunter Biden had gotten mixed up with a corrupt oligarch and his energy company, Burisma. A concern that has been proven to have legs given the current Impeachment investigation into the President and his family.

The second Impeachment attempt was an offshoot of the January 6th Capitol riot. In a speech that Trump made on the Ellipse during the Stop the Steal Rally, he urged those in attendance to fight like hell, but to march to the Capitol to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. Never mind the fact that his speech was still in progress when the violence first erupted on Capitol grounds. Never mind the fact that the Capitol Police force was outnumbered, despite offers of National Guard troops in advance of the rally that had been turned down by Congressional and District leadership. Never mind that there had been undercover DC police officers urging the crowd on. None of that mattered.

What mattered was being able to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024. The political class in this country, which includes, the left, never Trump Republicans, and the deep State, were so fearful that he would be able to beat an old, doddering, corrupt, incompetent sock puppet, that they were willing to say and do anything to keep the unthinkable from happening. Things became even more urgent when he threatened to go after everyone who had been involved in causing him, and by association, his voters, and the American people real harm, once he got back into power.


For starters we know that:





If you’re the party in power and you have all of these potential landmines popping up left, right, and center, what do you do? You find a way to dirty up the political opposition to make it seem like they’re no better off than you are. And that’s exactly what the Democrats have done.

Our current predicament is the result of a failure of leadership at the national and local levels. At the local level, one needs to look no further than our major cities to see how bad things have become. At the national level we need look no further than the Green New Deal (GND) that first came to light in the aftermath of the election of one Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC). It has become one of the driving forces behind leftist doctrine. The war on fossil fuels? Look no further than the GND. The push to convert to EVs that are not very popular, and cost more than most families can afford? Look no further than the GND. The push to replace our major home appliances? Look no further than the GND. If ever there was a government power grab that attempted to control the way Americans went about their daily lives, this was it. Obama Care went after about one sixth of the US economy when the Democrats decided to federalize certain aspects of our health care, AOC’s GND would take care of just about everything else. If you want to see what total control of our lives looks like, then look no further than the heartbreaking tale of Indi Gregory in Great Britain. If ever there was a human interest story that crossed into the realm of politics, then this would be it. This is the future that is being planned for all of us.

Trump’s policies were anathema to all of this. He knows this and so do they, which is why he needs to be taken out of the picture by any means necessary. The fact that he’s come out and said that he will be going after all these folks once back in the Oval Office is okay by me. He didn’t start this fight, but he damned sure needs to finish it, for all our sakes.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

While we're at it... Part 1

 Now that Kevin McCarthy is no longer Speaker, I welcome you dear reader, to the undiscovered country. If you don’t understand the reference, it was the title of the sixth movie in the Star Trek franchise. Its theme was dealing with the future. Since no one knows what the future holds, it is considered the undiscovered country (Shakespeare used the term to describe death).

The way forward for House Republicans will not be easy, nor should it be. This is a party that is fighting for its very identity. On one hand you have the Freedom Caucus, a bunch of next generation rabblerousers who are in the mold of both Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich, if such a thing is possible. On the other hand, you have the so-called old fashioned Conservatives (i.e., the establishment), whose major thrust is to go along to get along with the other side to try and get what they can by way of compromise, again, if such a thing is possible. These forces have been at each other’s throats since the days of Barry Goldwater, albeit in different iterations and epochs (think Goldwater, Reagan, Gingrich, the Tea Party, Trump).

I consider what happened to McCarthy poetic justice/karma. As much as Matty Boy and the Gates Eight have been blamed for creating chaos and sabotaging Republican efforts, Kevin from Cali is no stranger to such antics. In my Sabotaged post, I intimated how McCarthy had tainted the Benghazi Investigation with a well placed “irresponsible” comment about Hillary Clinton’s future run for the Presidency in 2016. It was designed to give cover to Republican leadership in the aftermath of the attacks on the Consulate and its annex on the evening of September 11th of 2012. Rather than addressing shortcomings of how our diplomatic corps had prepared for the events in Libya, it turned into a Democrat finger pointing session that did nothing to correct the deficiencies leading to that disaster.

The Democrat midterm victory in 2018 where they took back the House majority, in my humble opinion, never should have happened. In Part 6 of the Aftermath series, I laid out why the Republicans should have kept control of the House, but failed to do so in what can only be summed up as a few members of a baseball team throwing the game because they didn’t like their star pitcher. But that’s exactly what the House leadership did by not pursuing the farce that was the Mueller witch hunt. A majority in the House would have allowed them the ability to do a deep dive into the origins of the COVID 19 virus, including the connection between the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Representative Michael McCaul, as the Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, commissioned a report by the Minority Staff that was published in June of 2020 detailing the potential origins of the virus, but it never made any headway since Republicans were in the minority. They had no power to hold hearings, call witnesses, or subpoena critical information that would have shed light on what had transpired. Now contrast that with a Democrat controlled House that was focusing on impeaching Donald Trump (the first go-round) and wasn’t paying any attention to the goings on in China but had the audacity to blame the administration for not being prepared for the pandemic as it engulfed the world.

During the pandemic Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin was doing the yeoman’s work of pointing out alternative treatments for the virus beyond the ones that were being pushed by the public health/medical establishment, as well as holding sessions with health and medical practitioners who were having success with these treatments. One man can’t do all the heavy lifting in a situation such as the one this country was faced with in 2020, especially since Senate leadership was nowhere to be found. Having control of the lower chamber would have enabled the Republicans to go one step further than their Senate brethren by holding televised hearings and examining all the potential ramifications of masking, school closures, lockdowns, and the development of vaccines that were unnecessary, given the abundance of low-cost anti-viral medicines. They could have also called on the same individuals Senator Johnson was in contact with, giving the American people a contrarian view to the one being put out by the White House pandemic cabal (Fauci, Birx, et al). Fauci’s go-rounds with Senator Paul (the other Senate hero) would have paled in comparison to what the House Doctors’ Caucus and the other health experts would have done to him in side by side testimony before the appropriate House committees. America’s Doctor would have been exposed for what he really was, America’s Dr. Mengele.

With a robust, yet non-intrusive response plan in place, we could have reopened this country before any real harm had been done. Our economy would have gotten back on track, our deficit and debt would look nothing like what they are as of this writing, students would have suffered minimal learning loss (although the secret intentions of the left to pervert our children would not have been exposed), we would have prevented several hundred thousand needless American deaths, the greatest transfer of wealth in human history would have been averted, and the world would be a less dangerous place. More to the point, right about now we would most likely be looking at the culmination of a second Trump term, and efforts to find a worthy successor via the upcoming Primaries. How could anyone ever get tired of winning?

I don’t think that Ryan, McCarthy, and the rest of the establishment cabal could have ever imagined the accelerated decline and decay that this country has experienced with the Democrats in control of the federal government. But then again, all they were concerned about (just like the Dems) was either getting rid of Trump or hamstringing his administration. I guess that’s why the future can truly be called the undiscovered country.